
40 Days to Personal Revolution

Price: $25 (Includes a 40 Days shirt)

Based on Baron Baptiste’s book and program, 40 Days to Personal Revolution, we will employ the practices of mindful eating, yoga, meditation, and self-inquiry to recognize and free ourselves from old habits while establishing new practices that nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits.
A daily combination of asana practice, meditation, diet and personal reflection will cultivate a solid foundation from which you can live and grow. The program’s purpose is to guide you on your own personal transformation whether you are a beginner or experienced student. In 40 days you will create a whole new way of being and living. Whether you are looking for a huge transformation or small positive shifts in your life, this inspiring program will motivate you to take ownership of your life and live from a higher level of well-being.
You will be inspired to transform both body and mind.
The program’s 40 Days is divided into six weeks. The challenge is for you to commit to 6 days a week of practice (1 optional day of home practice) and one day of rest. Each week builds on the lessons of the one preceding it. The Sunday meeting builds on the basics of poses, breathing, meditation, nutrition and accountability.
This is an amazing opportunity to see what is holding you back in life.
Required Materials:
• “40 Days to Personal Revolution” by Baron Baptiste, can be purchased at the studio for $12 or on Amazon and other similar online stores.
• Journal
• FlyDog Yoga classes or Membership through the 40 Days.
• Attend weekly meetings on Sunday. You have two meeting times to pick from: 1:30pm or 7:00pm.